PTT Two-Way Radios for Spring Highway Projects Work

Spring brings a lot of things to mind for people — spring rains, spring flowers, spring cleaning, warm weather, and the approach of summer. For public works and public infrastructure, spring brings to mind new (or ongoing) highway projects work.

With the weather more manageable and snow and ice out of the way, public works and highway maintenance workers can comfortably and safely resume their projects. This spring, as you consider how to improve highway projects work, and how your employees go about their work, consider adding push-to-talk two-way (PTT) radios to your employees’ arsenal.

Why use PTT two-way radios? Honestly, the benefits are endless. Below, we’ll go over some of the main advantages.


Safety is always first when it comes to spring highway projects. Every manager wants (and needs) their employees to be as safe as possible and working on active (and inactive) highways presents some level of danger from both passing vehicles and construction/maintenance equipment.

Two-way radios allow workers to stay in constant communication with one another. If there’s an on-site hazard or an oversized vehicle is approaching, workers can warn each other of the hazard to prevent injury. If an injury does happen, two-way radios allow for instant communication to relay information so someone can contact emergency services.

Improved Communication and Collaboration

Push-to-talk two-way radios allow for instant communication between workers, making it easy to send and receive information quickly. This is essential for spring highway project work that requires a certain level of team coordination and communication to ensure the safe and efficient execution of their work.

Furthermore, sometimes highway project work can stretch along a particularly long strip of the highway, necessitating a reliable and effective long-range communication solution.


Speaking of reliability, push-to-talk two-way radios are extremely reliable. Peak PTT two-way radios utilize 4G LTE networks to provide virtually unlimited range. This means that workers will always be able to communicate with one another, no matter the distance. They also provide a strong signal that ensures messages will always be clear.


Highway projects can be loud — that’s no secret. While this noise is unavoidable to some degree, it can create major barriers to effective communication. Traditional communication devices like cell phones and cheap walkie-talkies won’t cut it for a number of reasons in this environment, and one such reason is that they don’t include reliable noise-canceling technology.

Peak PTT two-way radios offer noise-canceling technology that ensures messages are always clear and free of background noise.




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